Nitrogen Atom

Nitrogen Atom

Nitrogen Atom Picture 28

Nitrogen Atom Model

Diamond-based single-photon sources and their application in quantum key distribution. Nitrogen is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol N and atomic number 7. A common normally colorless, odorless, tasteless and mostly inert diatomic non-metal gas, nitrogen constitutes 78 percent of Earth's atmosphere and is a constituent of all living tissues.

What is a Nitrogen Molecule?

Nitrogen is a non-metal.
A nitrogenatom has 5electrons in its outer shell.
Nitrogen is in group 5 of the periodic table.
Two nitrogenatoms will each sharethree electrons to form
threecovalent bonds and make a nitrogenmolecule (N2).

This is a picture of a nitrogen molecule.


By sharing the six electrons where the shells touch
each nitrogenatom can count 8 electrons in its outer shell.
These fullouter shells with their shared electrons are now stable.
The N2
molecule will notreact further with other nitrogen atoms.

Note the 3 pairs (6 electrons) shared between the atoms.
Each electron pair is one bond.
Nitrogen has three bonds between its atoms.
This is called a triplebond. The triplebond is very strong
and this is what makes nitrogen so unreactive (stable).

The structural formula of an nitrogen molecule is written

There are noions present (no + or - charges) in nitrogen gas
because the electrons are shared,
not transferred from one atom to another.

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  • Nitrogen is a chemical element with the symbol N and atomic number of 7.

  • Under normal conditions nitrogen is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas.

  • Nitrogen makes up around 78% of the air you breathe.

  • Nitrogen is present in all living things, including the human body and plants.

  • Nitrogen gas is used in food storage to keep packaged or bulk foods fresh. It is also used in the making of electronic parts, for industrial purposes and has many other useful applications.

  • Nitrogen gas is often used as an alternative to carbon dioxide for storing beer in pressurized kegs. The smaller bubbles it produces is preferred for some types of beer.

  • Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, has an atmosphere nearly entirely made of nitrogen (over 98%). It is the only moon in our solar system known to have a dense atmosphere.

  • Nitrogen is in a liquid state when at a very low temperature. Liquid nitrogen boils at 77 kelvin (−196 °C, −321 °F). It is easily transported and has many useful applications including storing items at cold temperatures, in the field of cryogenics (how materials behave at very low temperatures), as a computer coolant (a fluid used to prevent overheating), removing warts and much more.

  • Decompression sickness (also known as the bends) involves nitrogen bubbles forming in the bloodstream and other important areas of the body when people depressurize too quickly from scuba diving. Similar situations can occur for astronauts and those working in unpressurized aircraft.

  • Nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas or by its chemical formula N2O) is used in hospitals and dental clinics as an anesthetic (removing or reducing pain and general awareness for various surgeries).

  • Nitrous oxide is also used in motor racing to increase the power of engine and speed of the vehicle. When used for this purpose it is often referred to as nitrous or NOS.

  • Nitrous oxide is a considerable greenhouse gas and air pollutant. By weight is has nearly 300 times more impact than carbon dioxide.

  • Nitroglycerin is a liquid used to create explosives such as dynamite. It is often used in the demolition and construction industries as well as by the military.

  • Nitric acid (HNO3) is a strong acid often used in the production of fertilizers.

  • Ammonia (NH3) is another nitrogen compound commonly used in fertilizers.