For information, contact
Surfside Potrero Community Facebook
Bad news is that Firefox has no built-in website translator. Good news is that using Mate's Firefox extension you can translate any website in one click between 103 languages. And much much more. Become a polyglot in a jiff by simply installing Mate from the Firefox Add-ons store. Highlight or right-click on a section of text and click on Translate icon next to it to translate it to your language. Or, to translate the entire page you're visiting, click the translate icon on the browser toolbar. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to QuestSoft QTranslate and 13 are available for Mac so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Mac alternatives to QuestSoft QTranslate are S3.Translator (Free), Translate Shell (Free, Open Source), ImTranslator (Free) and Mate Translate (Freemium). The Mate Translate Edge Extension allows you to highlight any word or text on a webpage and instantly translate it by pressing the shortcut or double-clicking with your mouse. Using the shortcuts will create a small unobtrusive pop-up screen with your direct translation highlighted right there in front of you. The Mate Translate Edge Extension allows you to highlight any word or text on a webpage and instantly translate it by pressing the shortcut or double-clicking with your mouse. Using the shortcuts.
New Message Board - Work Wanted or Offered
Click here is you want to post if you are looking for a work or offering work.
There are 2 categories.
One for looking for work
and the second for offering work.
Need to translate a webpage tool?
Try Mate Translate add to Firefox or Chrome. Once installed, is a little tricky, you have to right click on the page and click to translate from the list . And you have to wait a few seconds and somtimes repeat a few times.
In Costa Rica, if you have symptoms, call. They English speaking operators.
Non-emergencies 1322 (answer citizen questions regarding the coronavirus pandemic)
Emergency 911
Beachside Clinic - Huacas
'If you think you have possible symptoms of COVID-19 infection, please let us know in advance by calling the clinic (2653 9911 or 2653 5053) or messaging us in our WhatsApp number (8937 3353), before coming to the clinic.'

Links for Coronavirus
Google Maps Location of Coronavirus in Costa Rica
US Embassy
US Department of Homeland Security
Ministry of Health Facebook
Ministerio de Salud
Ministerio de Salud - Daily Reports
Ministerio de Salud - Summary of National Situation
News Links
More news links at bottom of this page.
AM Costa Rica
Tico Times
Costa Rica Network News
News by Canton
List of Canton Links on Facebook
Quick Tips from CDC
Please click on 'Maps' from menu for restaurant locations.
Grocery and Food Store Links Delivery
MerKdo Supermarket Surfside
Store 25372175
place your orders by calling or sending your shopping list by message to 84465689 with Olivia
Please always check for updated information on their Facebook.
2020 Mar 28 - Temporary hours 'We must inform our customers that our new care schedule will be from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM every day. Due to the current circumstances we made the decision to close earlier. Sorry for the inconvenience'
Due to current circumstances, we understand that many people do not want to or cannot leave their homes, as elderly people or with health problems. Therefore we make ourselves available to our community to deliver what they need at home (free of charge), until the government lifts these restrictions.
You can place your orders by calling or sending your shopping list by message to 84465689 with Ol ivia.
Take care of yourself and avoid leaving your houses unnecessarily.
* Deliveries to Playa Potrero, Flamingo and surroundings.
Fish Delivery
Alonso CR PESCADO Valverde Delivers
'Alonso owns the fish store in penca, he put his prices down so everyone can have fish, he will deliver free and has the pos to pay with credit card, so we all cam have fresh fish without getting out.
Por ahora la entrega a domicilio es en brasilito, flamingo, Potrero, catalinas
De lunes a domingo de 9am a 5pm. Pará evitar el contacto físico al máximo pueden cancelar por transferencia o bien con tarjeta nosotros llevamos el datáfono.
Podemos coordinar 1 o 2 días por semana en huacas, Tamarindo, y alrededores.'
Flamingo Fish Truck 70849343
Vegetable and Fruit Truck Comes around Surfside - Listen for them hollaring
Differs . Watermelons, onions, bananas, cabage, yucca, mangos, piñas,
Sausage Guy Delivers
Italian Taste - Italian Store in Potrero 83748545
Pharmacy delivers
Pharmacy Flamingo Delivers
Pharmacist Lilly Siu Lo
Playa Potrero Farmacia Delivers
Whatsapp: 89483193
Donate & Find Food (See more help under this section)

Barbara's Animal Rescue Center
Abriendo Mentes
Costa Rica Beach Communities Work Together in the Crisis!
Mate Translation Extension
Juntos Por Guanacaste
Asociacion Pro-Mejoras de Playa Flamingo
Government Help and Organizations (See food above)
Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres
Medical CAJA links (goes to a page on this website with list of links)

Entertain and Educate at Home
AM Costa Rica article MANY MORE LINKS HERE!,%20video%20streaming%20concerts%20and%20shows%20this%20weekend.html
Museo Nacional de Costa Rica - view exhibits online
Compañía Nacional de Danza Costa Rica
Banda de Conciertos de Cartago del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud
Google Arts / Culture
Berliner Philharmoniker
The Mertorpolitan Opera
Banda de Conciertos de Heredia
Concierto de Gala 'Seis Continentes' - Banda de Conciertos de San José
Start your morning with Surfside, Potrero Community Website.
Mobile Friendly.
Check the Menu for . . .
Calendar - Surfside, Potrero, Flamingo
Events, Music, Dining and Drink Specials, Classes, Markets, etc.
Quick Local Links
Phone Directories
Maps you can download
Time . Conversion
Weather and Newspaper Links
Local Maps
FREE - Phone Directory Listing (Name, Phone, 1 Link)
FREE - CALENDAR - Post your events yourself! Restaurants, Musicians, Teachers and Local Organizations can post your own Events, Music, Dining and Drink Specials, Classes, Markets, etc. Email me for access. It's easy!
Entertainment . Dining Specials . Classes . Other
Click 'Calendar' from the menu.
View Calendar Instructions and Tips
Google translate no longer working on webpages, so links have been removed.
Try Mate Translate add to Firefox or Chrome. Once installed, is a little tricky, you have to right click on the page and click to translate from the list . And you have to wait a few seconds and somtimes repeat a few times.
Calles Guanacaste (Spanish)
Canal 5 Guanacaste (Spanish)
Facebook and Website Links
Residents of Surfside and Potrero

Potrero Community Group
Feria Potrero
Potrero Neighborhood Crime Watch
ASADA Surfside
Policias de Costa Rica
Entertainment Facebook Pages
Live Music Events in Surfside, Flamingo, Brasilito, Potrero info only
For Sale
Potrero Garage Sale
Symptoms include the options pages and menus of these extensions failing to open, being unable to save any preference changes, or data being discarded after restarting Firefox. If that sounds familiar, be aware it might be caused by having cookies off, using Private Browsing mode or clearing history.Examples of affected extensions include uBlock Origin 1.14.14, Greasemonkey 4.0a, Referer Control 1.27 and Feedbro 3.30.3.
Bug 1406675 - WebExtension cannot use IndexedDB at all if 'Accept cookies from websites' is disabled
Bug 1313401 - Background Page LocalStorage is cleared along with site storage

Bug 781982 - IndexedDB does not function in private browsing mode
The cookie issue can be worked around by creating an exception for the extension, as you would for a website. For instance, if you open uBlock Origin's dashboard, the location bar will show something like this:
Firefox Translation Addon
- Code: Select all
That first bit, moz-extension://UUID, minus the folder path and file name is what you use as the exception URL. That string of characters is different for each Firefox profile. If you can't get to the extension's options page, enter about:debugging into the location bar and look for it there.