Mamp Localhost 8888

  • Typing localhost:8888 into my Chrome browser gives me a listing of all of my WordPress sites in my htdocs folder. However when I click on the link for any of the sites, I get the “Error establishing a database connection” message. This is true for any of the links in the listing. This is a new problem for me

  • Possibly the database server process (mySQL) is not running. Does the task manager show it running ? Do your website error and log files say anything, like we know there is an error, but what kind of error ?
    Can MAMP support help ?

    Is MAMP running? Have you updated anything? On a Mac?

  • The topic ‘MAMP localhost cannot connect to database’ is closed to new replies.

Glad to hear it @goody2skis and you’re very welcome. So yes I does sound like the actual site files would be located here: Applications MAMP htdocs wordpresstest (this will be your site root where the WordPress core files live). If you dig deeper into the wp-content folder there you will have access to whats typically the files related to your site, with the themes and plugins etc. The default MAMP ports are 8888 for Apache, and 8889 for MySQL. If you use this configuration, you shouldn't get asked for your password, but you'd need to include the port number in the URL (localhost:8888). Jan 04, 2019 With those two numbers in hand, anyone connected to the same network can connect to your new WordPress installation as long as the MAMP server is running simply by going to the IP:Port/wordpress, or for example. The IP and Port will always be separated by a colon. Download the class files. After downloading the class files, create a folder in.

Mamp Localhost 8888 Login

This is Part 3 of Web Development On Your Macintosh Computer Using MAMP and Joomla! CMS.

Now that you have MAMP installed on your Macintosh computer (if not, see part 2 of this tutorial) you can put as many installations of Joomla! on your computer for development as disk space permits. Developing and testing Joomla! on your localmachine before making changes to your live server site can save all kinds of headaches, not to mention unwanted disruptions to your site in the case that something doesn't go the way you intended it.


OK, lets get on with the Joomla! install inside MAMP. Do not forget that MAMP is an application. It has to be running in order for anything to work. So launch the MAMP application.

Mamp Localhost Without 8888


Mamp Localhost 8888 E

When MAMPis running you will get a web page come up titled 'Welcome to MAMP' with a URL of